Presentation Information

[17a-P02-1]Optical Properties of Tin Halide Perovskite Films Prepared by Vacuum Dry Method

〇Ibuki Yanase1, Fuyuki Harata1, Tomoya Nakamura1, Minh Anh Truong1, Richard Murdey1, Atsushi Wakamiya1 (1.ICR, Kyoto Univ.)


metal halide perovskite solar cells,tin perovskite,optical properties

To clarify the impact of various crystallization mechanisms resulting from different deposition methods for tin perovskite thin films, we measured the optical properties of films produced by two techniques: the conventional method and a vacuum-drying method developed in our laboratory. Unlike the thin films made using the conventional method, those prepared through the vacuum-drying method did not exhibit a shift in the luminescence peak toward the high-energy side, which is typically caused by the formation of lattice defects. In this presentation, we will report the detailed optical properties of tin perovskite thin films prepared using the vacuum-drying method.


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