Presentation Information
[17a-P02-6]Augmenting the performance and stability of perovskite solar cells by introducing cesium iodide doping into the PbI2 film via a two-step deposition method
〇KunMu Lee1, Seoungjun Ahn1, Wei-Hao Chiu1, Ming-Chung Wu1 (1.Chang Gung Univ)
perovskite,solar cell
In recent years, the perovskite solar cell has achieved over 25% of power conversion efficiency. Widely used one-step spin coating is known to have difficulty in controlling perovskite films. To overcome this problem, perovskite films were produced by using two-step spin coating. These effects of doping PbI2 solutions with cesium iodide (CsI) are studied. The Cs-doped PbI2 film was rougher than the pristine PbI2 film, which made it more absorbent to the second-step solution. Consequently, a smoother and flatter perovskite film can be produced. So, it can improve the crystallinity, grain size, and morphology of perovskite film when dopant CsI in PbI2. And the photovoltaic performance of the device with Cs-dopant is also expected to improve. Finally, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the solar cell by doping 0.10M CsI in PbI2 increases from 17.45% to 20.29%, compared to the pristine device. Furthermore, the device showed excellent stability, maintaining 80% of its initial PCE after 350 h of continuous irradiation.
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