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[17p-K102-3]Giant Spin-Orbit Torque in a Two-Dimensional Hole Gas at the Surface of Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond

〇Fujio Sako1, Ryo Ohshima1,2, Yuichiro Ando3, Naoya Morioka2,4, Hiroyuki Kawashima4, Riku Kawase4, Norikazu Mizuochi2,4, Hans Huebl5,6,7, Masashi Shiraishi1,2 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.CSRN, Kyoto Univ., 3.Osaka Metro. Univ., 4.ICR, Kyoto Univ., 5.W.-Meissner-Inst., 6.Tech. Univ. Munich, 7.Munich CQST)


hydrogen-terminated diamond,two-dimensional hole gas,spin-orbit torque

Two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) is created at the surface of hydrogen-terminated (H-) diamond, which is a potential platform for charge-to-spin conversion through the Rashba-Edelstein effect. In this study, the charge-to-spin conversion in H-diamond was observed by performing the second harmonic Hall measurement, which is a widely used technique to estimate spin-orbit torque (SOT) efficiency. A Hall-bar shaped H-diamond (001) / Ni80Fe20 (Py) device was prepared, and the SOT efficiency ξDL was examined. The Rashba-Edelstein length in the 2DHG λREE2DHG, was estimated as an index of the charge to spin conversion efficiency in 2DHG from by solving the spin diffusion equation, in which the 2DHG is considered as the boundary condition for the bottom of the Py. From the Py thickness dependence of ξDL, λREE2DHG was estimated to be comparable to the product of spin Hall angle and spin difusion length of Pt, and inverse Rashba-Edelstein length in LAO/STO, both at room temperature.


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