Presentation Information
[17p-K308-4]Surface dynamics on Cobalt nanoparticles
〇(D)Marthe Bideault1,2, Jerome Creuze2, Arnaud Allera3, Ryoji Asahi4, Erich Wimmer1 (1.Materials Design SARL, FR, 2.ICMMO/SP2M, Univ. Paris-Saclay, FR, 3.IRSN/PSN-RES/SEMIA/LSMA, FR, 4.Institute of Materials Innovation, Nagoya Univ., JAPAN)
nanoparticles,machine-learned potentials,melting analysis
We present the development of a machine-learned potential (MLP) for bulk, surfaces and nanoparticles of cobalt. This MLP is then used to simulate the heating of hexagonal close-packed and icosahedral cobalt nanoparticles ranging from 500 to 7000 atoms. Subsequently, we present a robust structural analysis of these trajectories using machine learning tools.
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