Presentation Information
[17p-K403-5]Development of high-sensitivity pH sensors using vanadium oxide electrode by a chemical solution deposition method and its application to glucose sensor
〇(M2)Yoshiki Tate1, Aoi Yamamoto1, Ryo Michibata1, Yuichi Hirofuji1, Kazuto Koike1, Takeshi Rachi2, Yasuhiro Naganuma2, Ryotaro Kumashiro3, Nobuya Hiroshiba1 (1.NMRC, OIT, 2.KISTEC, 3.AIMR, Tohoku Univ.)
VOx,Biosensor,glucose sensor
We have focused on vanadium oxide (VOx) as an electrode material for pH sensors, which are a fundamental part of biosensors, and have reported that high sensitivity exceeding the Nernstian limit can be obtained. On the other hand, there have been few reports on the use of VOx electrodes for biosensors. Therefore, we developed a prototype EGFET-type glucose sensor using an extended gate (EG) electrode with GOD immobilized on a VOx thin film. In this presentation, we report that a highly sensitive glucose sensor with a high response to low concentrations of glucose has been fabricated.
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