Session Details
[27-19-am]Genes, biosynthesis 2
Thu. Mar 27, 2025 10:20 AM - 11:44 AM JST
Thu. Mar 27, 2025 1:20 AM - 2:44 AM UTC
Thu. Mar 27, 2025 1:20 AM - 2:44 AM UTC
Room 19 (FUKUOKA SUNPALACE: Palace RoomA [2F])
Chair: Taro Ozaki, Akihiro Sugawara
[27-19-am09]Biosynthesis of the hatching stimulator of potato cyst nematode solanoeclepin A
○Satoki Aoki1, Takumi Okamoto1, Taisei Yamamoto2, Shinji Kishimoto1, Kenji Watanabe1,2 (1. Univ. Shizuoka, 2. Adenoprevent)
[27-19-am10S]Elucidation of the biosynthetic genes and pathways of glycinoeclepin A, a soybean cyst nematode hatching inducer isolated from leguminous plants.
○Yutaro Murakami1, Takumi Okamoto1, Shinji Kishimoto1, Kenji Watanabe1 (1. Univ. Shizuoka)
[27-19-am11S]Chemical synthesis and hatching assay of proposed biosynthetic intermediates of cyst nematode's hatching inducers
○Yuki Yamaguchi1, Syogo Watanabe1, Takumi Okamoto1, Shinji Kishimoto1, Kenji Watanabe1 (1. Univ. of Shizuoka)
[27-19-am12]New family of terpene synthases from giant viruses
○Takaaki Mitsuhashi1, Chieon Park2, Sora Tsutsumi2, Makoto Fujita1,2,3 (1. IMS, 2. School of Eng., U-Tokyo, 3. Inst. for Advanced Study, U-Tokyo)
[27-19-am13S]Structure-function analysis of a novel non-heme iron oxygenase TqaM in the biosynthesis of 2-aminoisobutyric acid
○Huibin Wang1, Takahiro Mori1,2, Ikuro Abe1,2 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, 2. CRIIM, Univ. Tokyo)
[27-19-am14S]Synthesis of α-hydrazino acids using cupin enzymes responsible for nitrogen-nitrogen coverent bond formation
○Kuga Arima1, Kenichi Matsuda1, Toshiyuki Wakimoto1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.)
[27-19-am15S]Functional analysis of α-ketoglutarate-dependent oxygenase catalyzing L-methionine
○Lyu Zhou1,2, Taku Mizutani1, Takayoshi Awakawa2, Ikuro Abe1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., UTokyo., 2. RIKEN CSRS)