
[3I08]コンクリート構造物の地盤・構造連成解析(2) 鋼板コンクリート構造物の非線形性における日米規格の比較

佐藤 友喜1、*Mag-alasin Ma Ella Candice1、Ghiocel Dan M.2、片岡 俊二1、森本 泰臣1 (1. 日揮グローバル(株)、2. GP Technologies Inc.)



During severe earthquakes, the inelastic structure behaviour should be considered in the seismic analysis of nuclear facilities. To capture soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects accurately, dynamic substructuring approaches were developed in complex frequency. These SSI substructuring approaches have been widely used in practice especially in the United States. The presentation describes SSI analysis of SC structures using 3DFEM. The presented approach is applied in accordance with the Japanese and US seismic design requirements for the SC structure modelling. In the presented study, the differences between the seismic structure behaviour based on Japan and US standards for SC wall modelling are investigated using 3D FEM representing a typical embedded nuclear building.

