[1-F1-02]Domestic Carbon Sourcing Through Forestry Management Considering Wood-Based Material and Energy Production Pathways
*韩 紫怡1、Teah Heng Yi1、兼松 祐一郎1、菊池 康紀1 (1. 東京大学)
Carbon balance、Climate mitigation、Forestry management、Woody biomass utilization、Bio-based chemical conversion
In Japan, insufficient forest management has resulted in a suboptimal age class distribution of trees and underutilization of mature trees, which undermines the forest potential in carbon reduction and renewable resources. Here, we conducted a simulation of long-term carbon balance on forest management and forest resources utilization, incorporating the woody biomass material flow across modules including (1) forest and forestry management, (2) wood processing, (3) construction material production, (4) biomass energy generation, and (5) biochemical conversion. We identified the flow of energy-material productions, and evaluated the GHG emissions, to determine the environmentally preferred order of woody biomass utilization.