
[2-B3-02]Evaluating greenhouse gasses emission from domestic wastewater treatment in each prefecture in Japan

*テグ-アヒティア スヤディ1、古川 柳蔵1、林 健太郎2、仁科 一哉2,3、小野寺 崇2,3、伊坪 徳宏4 (1. Tokyo City University、2. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature、3. National Institute for Environmental Studies、4. Waseda University)


Greenhouse Gasses、Prefecture、Japan、Domestic Wastewater、Environmental Cost

Japan’s varied population density, shaped by economic and geographical factors, greatly affects greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions quantity across its prefectures. In the field of domestic wastewater management, urban areas like Tokyo and Osaka produce higher total GHG emissions mainly due to their large amount of wastewater generated by dense populations. This study examines the relation between population density in each prefecture to GHG emissions from domestic wastewater treatment and will also look at the electricity used per cubic meter of treated wastewater. The environmental cost from the domestic wastewater management of Japan will also being assessed by applying LIME model.