
[22p-12G-12]Enhancement of high-density hydrogen-plasma production using cylindrical-shaped hollow cathode at a lower H2 gas pressure by multi-cusp magnetic fields

〇(D)Md Hasibul Islam1, Takeshi Uchida1, Yasunori Ohtsu1 (1.Saga Univ)


Hydrogen-plasma、Hollow Cathode、Multi-cusp Magnetic Fields

This work deals with an RF-magnetized cylindrical-shaped hollow cathode employing multi-cusp magnetic fields (MCMF) to generate a high-density hydrogen plasma at a lower H2 gas pressure typically 4-5Pa. Investigation of the radial distribution of ion saturation current measured by a Langmuir probe along the axial direction reveals significant advancements in plasma uniformity with MCMF configuration in comparison to the “without magnetic field - WoMF effect”.