[25a-P01-30]Selective magnetization switching conditions for exchange-coupled Fe50Pt50/Ni81Fe19 by spin-wave dynamics
Varun Kumar Kushwaha1, Takumi Yamazaki1, 〇Takeshi Seki1,2 (1.IMR, Tohoku Univ., 2.CSIS, Tohoku Univ.)
spin wave、magnetization switching、exchange coupling
Spin-wave-assisted switching (SWAS), a method that achieves magnetization switching at a significantly reduced magnetic field (Hsw) by exciting the spin wave dynamics, is a promising technique for data storage of spin-based wave parallel computing. In this study, we conducted SWAS experiments employing exchange-coupled L10-Fe50Pt50 / Ni81Fe19 epitaxial thin films, and examined the selective switching conditions by modifying the shape of the element and/or the thickness of the soft magnetic Ni81Fe19 layer.