
[25a-P01-38]Enhanced diffusive motion of synthetic antiferromagnetic skyrmions with tunable gyrotropic force

〇Takaaki Dohi1,2, Markus Weissenhofer3,4,5, Nico Kerber1, Fabian Kammerbauer1, Yuqing Ge1, Klaus Raab1, Jakub Zazvorka6, Maria-Andromachi Syskaki7, Aga Shahee1, Moritz Ruhwedel8, Tobias Bottcher8, Philipp Pirro8, Gerhard Jakob1, Ulrich Nowak3, Mathias Klaeui1 (1.Mainz Univ., 2.Tohoku Univ., 3.Konstanz Univ., 4.Uppsala Univ., 5.Berlin Univ., 6.Charles Univ., 7.Singulus Technologies AG, 8.Kaiserslautern Univ.)



Magnetic skyrmions, topologically stabilized quasi-particles, have attracted attention for the intriguing responses governed by their topology. However, some of the topology-dependent features of magnetic skyrmions are recognized as an obstacle to device applications, e.g. the skyrmion Hall effect.
Here, we demonstrate that specifically designed amorphous-like synthetic antiferromagnetic (SyAFM) systems with low pinning enable us to observe the thermally activated diffusive motion of antiferromagnetically-coupled skyrmions. The analysis reveals an at least 10 times larger diffusion coefficient for highly compensated antiferromagnetically-coupled skyrmions that is a direct consequence of the reduction of the effective gyrotropic force stemming from the topology of spin structure.