Presentation Information
[1L10]A Study for the optimization of the decommissioning project of nuclear facilities(6) Radiation exposure assessment of dismantlement
*Yukihiro IGUCHI1, Daisuke KAWASAKI1, Satoshi YANAGIHARA1, Asei MINE1, Yuya KOUDA2, Koichi TOMODA2 (1. Univ. of Fukui, 2. JAEA)
Nuclear facilities,Decommissioning,Optimization,Exposure assessment,Radiation level
In order to develop optimal decommissioning strategies, evaluation studies have been carried out using total costs as an indicator. Among these, the assessment of exposure in dismantling performance is one of the key factors in predicting the number of manpower. Since 2008, the ATR Fugen has dismantled various facilities with different radiation levels, and the analysis of these exposure records can contribute to a more realistic forecasting and evaluation.
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