Presentation Information

[2B15]Tritium recovery from Liquid Lithium-LeadTandem extraction efficiency of the inlet flow and falling droplets

*Fumito Okino1, Yukinori Hamaji 2, Teruya Tanaka2, Juro Yagi1 (1. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, 2. National Institute for Fusion Scienece)


Lithium-Lead (LiPb),Tritium recovery,Inlet pipe flow,Droplets,Tandem

We report the experimentally obtained overall tritium extraction efficiency from liquid Lithium-Lead by the tandem extraction methods. It extracts the dissolved tritium at first stage by the release from a partial flow in an inlet pipe, and then from the release from droplets.Pre-estimated overall efficiency was 0.7. The obtained results were between 0.8 and 0.9 which exceeded 0.1 and 0.2 than the estimated values. Experiments were performed with the 2.3mm diameter, on the other hand, calculation was performed with dispersion coefficient previously obtained from 1.9 mm droplet. The results suggest that the dispersion coefficient of a 2.3 mm droplet is larger than that of 1.9 mm.


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