Session Details

[2B15-19]Tritium Behavior

Thu. Sep 12, 2024 4:05 PM - 5:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 12, 2024 7:05 AM - 8:30 AM UTC
Room B(Recture RoomsA 1F A102)
Chair:Keisuke Mukai(NIFS)

[2B15]Tritium recovery from Liquid Lithium-LeadTandem extraction efficiency of the inlet flow and falling droplets

*Fumito Okino1, Yukinori Hamaji 2, Teruya Tanaka2, Juro Yagi1 (1. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, 2. National Institute for Fusion Scienece)

[2B16]Effect of lead addition on the material properties and the tritium release behaviors of Li2TiO3-Li4SiO4 mixed ceramic materials

*Asahi Sanfukuji1, Qilai Zhou2, Makoto Kobayashi3, Yasuhisa Oya1 (1. Shizuoka Univ., 2. Wuhan University of Technology., 3. NIFS)

[2B17]Hydrogen permeation behavior from high-temperature and high-pressure water to gas phase through Inconel tube

*Shogo Iwata1, Kazunari Katayama1, Kenta Akashi1, Humiya Nakamura1 (1. KYUSHU Univ.)

[2B18]Study on T production method using high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for fusion reactors~ Hydrogen absorption performance of Zr spheres in 80–8000 Pa hydrogen atmosphere ~

*Hiromi Kawai1, Hideaki Matsuura1, Aoi Furuya1, Kazunari Katayama2, Teppei Otsuka3, Etsuo Ishitsuka4, Shigeaki Nakagawa4, Kenji Tobita5, Yoji Someya6, Yoshiteru Sakamoto6 (1. Dept. Eng. Kyushu Univ., 2. Dept. Eng. Sci. Kyushu Univ. , 3. Kindai Univ., 4. JAEA, 5. Tohoku Univ., 6. QST)

[2B19]Local depth profiling of tritium in W by an electrochemical etching method

*Teppei Otsuka1, Yuya Ueno1, Masato Konno1 (1. Kindai Univ.)

Time reserved for Chair