Presentation Information
[2B16]Effect of lead addition on the material properties and the tritium release behaviors of Li2TiO3-Li4SiO4 mixed ceramic materials
*Asahi Sanfukuji1, Qilai Zhou2, Makoto Kobayashi3, Yasuhisa Oya1 (1. Shizuoka Univ., 2. Wuhan University of Technology., 3. NIFS)
Blanket,Tritium,Mixture ceramics
Understanding tritium release behavior of tritium breeders is essential for the sustainable operation of fusion reactors. In this study, Li2TiO3-Li4SiO4 samples prepared at Wuhan University of Technology were irradiated by neutron in the KUR to evaluate tritium release behavior and recovered tritium by TDS and LSC. The irradiation defects were evaluated by ESR. XPS analyzed the band gap and surface chemical state. The band gap of the sample without lead was 2.78 eV and that with lead was 4.53 eV. The energy difference between conductor of lead and the valence band of oxygen, which has the higher electronegativity, was increased. The samples with lead was found to be less affected by radiation, and more stable under high temperature conditions.
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