Presentation Information

[2H03]Evaluation on Reactor Core Degradation and Relocation at Severe Accident(5) MAAP5 analysis of the core degradation and relocation in the early stage of the TMI-2

*Koji Nishida1, Seitaro Sakurai1, Michio Murase1 (1. INSS)


Severe Accident,Fuel Degradation,Relocation

We used the severe accident analysis code, MAAP5, to study the TMI-2 accident for the early stages of the accident when the debris bed formed from the intact core geometry. The analytical conditions used in this study resulted that the computed core water level was close to the measured value. We thought that the analytical conditions were reasonable and used this as the base case. Hydrogen generation rate was smaller when the core inlet flow rate was smaller than the base case. This is thought to be due to the earlier onset of core heat-up, which led to earlier relocation of zircoloy in the upper core region.


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