Session Details

[2H01-06]Severe Accident

Thu. Sep 12, 2024 9:30 AM - 11:10 AM JST
Thu. Sep 12, 2024 12:30 AM - 2:10 AM UTC
Room H(Recture RoomsB 1F B102)
Chair:Riichiro Okawa(CRIEPI)

[2H01]Study on Influence of the RPV Depressurization Timing on the PCV Failure Timing during Severe Accident of the BWR

*Naoki Hattori1, Akifumi Yamaji1 (1. Waseda Univ.)

[2H02]Analysis of debris bed formation in BWRs using MELCOR-THERMOS/JBREAK-MSPREAD coupling method

*Wataru Kikuchi1 (1. Nuclear Regulation Authority, Division of Research for Severe Accident)

[2H03]Evaluation on Reactor Core Degradation and Relocation at Severe Accident(5) MAAP5 analysis of the core degradation and relocation in the early stage of the TMI-2

*Koji Nishida1, Seitaro Sakurai1, Michio Murase1 (1. INSS)

[2H04]Development of Numerical Simulation Method to Evaluate Heat Transfer of Fuel Debris in Air Cooling(7) Effect of Porous Internal Structure of Fuel Debris on Thermal Behavior in PCV

*Shinichiro Uesawa1, Ayako Ono1, Susumu Yamashita1, Yoshihiko Sano2, Hiroyuki Yoshida1 (1. JAEA, 2. Shizuoka University)

[2H05]Effects of Coolant Temperature and Solid Wall Thermophysical Properties on Quenching Characteristics of High-Temperature Solid Surfaces

*Hiroyuki Umebayashi1, Tomio Okawa1 (1. UEC)

[2H06]Natural convection heat transfer characteristics in a one side heated vertical rectangular channel.

*Kazutaka Fujishiro1, Tetsuaki Takeda1 (1. Univ. of Yamanashi)

Time reserved for Chair