Session Details

[1G11-14]Space Nuclear Utilization

Wed. Sep 11, 2024 3:35 PM - 4:45 PM JST
Wed. Sep 11, 2024 6:35 AM - 7:45 AM UTC
Room G(Recture RoomsB 1F B101)
Chair:Toru Obara(Tokyo Tech)

[1G11]Regulatory status and issues in space nuclear energy(1)R&D and regulatory status of SMR and micro reactors for terrestrial applications

*Shintaro Yagi1, Kota kawai1, Fumiya Sato1, Daiki Tominaga1 (1. MRI)

[1G12]Regulatory status and issues in space nuclear energy(2)Discussions in the U.S. for space nuclear energy

*FUMIYA SATO1, Kota Kawai1, Shintaro Yagi1, Daiki Tominaga1 (1. MRI)

[1G13]Regulatory status and issues in space nuclear energy(3)Current status and future issues related to space nuclear energy

*Kota Kawai1, Fumiya Sato1, Shintaro Yagi1, Daiki Tominaga1 (1. MRI)

[1G14]Effects and countermeasures of power distribution change by control drum rotation and Xenon override in nuclear thermal rocket core.

*Oki Morita1, Shinichi Namizono1 (1. UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI)

Time reserved for Chair