Session Details

[2H15-18]Multiphase Flow2

Thu. Sep 12, 2024 4:05 PM - 5:10 PM JST
Thu. Sep 12, 2024 7:05 AM - 8:10 AM UTC
Room H(Recture RoomsB 1F B102)
Chair:Takahiro Arai(CRIEPI)

[2H15]Effective diffusion coefficient in wall condensation from steam-air mixture

*Michio Murase1, Toshiya Takaki1 (1. Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc.)

[2H16]Analysis for experiments of natural convection condensation from steam-air mixture on a vertical flat plate

*Toshiya Takaki1, Michio Murase1 (1. INSS)

[2H17]Study on the flow pattern of concentric-tube two-phase thermosyphon

*Yohei Okada1, Naoya Kaminaga1, Hideaki Monji1, Chikako Iwaki2, Rei Kimura2, Takashi Mawatari2 (1. Univ. of Tsukuba, 2. TOSHIBA ESS)

[2H18]Development of a Method for Predicting Droplet Entrainment Rate During Nucleate Boiling in a Liquid Film

*Kaito Nade1, Raka Firman1, Yuki Narushima2, Tomio Okawa1, Kenichi Katono2 (1. UEC, 2. Hitachi)

Time reserved for Chair