Session Details

[2J09-12]Social Research & Communication 2

Thu. Sep 12, 2024 4:55 PM - 6:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 12, 2024 7:55 AM - 9:00 AM UTC
Room J(Recture RoomsB 1F B104)
Chair:Reiko Kuwagaki(CRIEPI)

[2J09]Source and possession of information in public opinion on nuclear power

*RYO MOTONAGA1, KAZUYA ITO1, RYUTA TAKASHIMA1 (1. Tokyo University of Science)

[2J10]Report on the Practice of Study Groups for Learning about Nuclear Disaster Prevention by Citizens' Groups

*Haruka Osugi1,2 (1. The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum, 2. Tohoku Univ.)

[2J11]Awareness Survey on the Health Effects of Earthquakes, Reconstruction, and Radiation (2023)~Comparison of Attitudes in Tokyo and Fukushima~

*Nobuaki Yoshizawa1, Yumi Ito1, Yumiko Segawa1, Kazumi Nakayama1, Kosuke Shirai1 (1. MRI)

[2J12]What do people think about discharging ALPS treated water into the sea?

*Atsuko Kitada1 (1. INSS)

Time reserved for Chair