

The speakers must fulfill at least one of the following requirements.

  1. Individual member of the AESJ
  2. Non-member of foreign nationality, but member of one of the following Agreement Societies:
  3. Individual member who has completed the membership registration by December 4 (For details: Individual Members)
*If you do not complete the membership registration or have not paid the annual membership fee for 2024 by December 4, your presentation application and abstract will not be accepted at the meeting.
*If you are co-presenter yet not individual member, please join our society if possible.
Number of applications for presentations

Limited to one presentation per person.

Presentation topic classification

The contents of the abstract must belong to one of the topics of presentation listed in the "Subject Classification Table for Oral Presentation".

Method of presentation

Limited to oral presentations by individuals.

  1. 10 minutes presentation followed by 5 minutes Q&A from the floor (Total 15 minutes).
  2. Presentation should be made in English or Japanese (no simultaneous interpretation provided).
  3. LCD projectors can be used for showing figures, tables or photos. Please make sure that graphs, tables, formulas and symbols are shown in a manner that is clear and easy to read for the audience.
  4. We don't provide a laptop for presentation. Please bring your own laptop.
Important Dates
Registration of Oral PresentationNovember 20, 2024, 2:00 PM JST - December 4, 2024, 5:00 PM JST
Submission of abstract PDF fileDecember 23 2024, 2:00 PM JST - January 9, 2025, 5:00 PM JST
*Registration are expected to flood in just before the deadline. At this point, access to the website is likely to become difficult, or other kinds of inconveniences may occur; to avoid such difficulties, please submit your registration as early as possible.
How to Apply

If you would like to apply oral presentation or submit abstract, please see Application for Oral Presentation.
No submission, replacement of abstracts, nor withdrawal are accepted after the submission deadline.

Screening Rules

The Committee on Subcommittee Administration (CSA), Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) is responsible for the acceptance of abstract and program organization of presentations at the annual and fall meetings. The Screening is included in the organization of the meeting programs, where the rules are endorsed for every candidate of abstract.
Fundamentally, we shall respect freedom of a member for his or her academic presentation at the meetings. However, on the other hand, to maximize public profit and to perform roles of AESJ properly, CSA may screen every candidate of abstract following the criteria i.e. terms and condition of inappropriate cases as described below. As a result of screening, CSA may require the author(s) to revise the abstract. When the author(s) failed to respond to the revision properly in a certain period given to the author(s) by CSA, your presentation may be rejected. AESJ is regarded, in principle, as having no liability regarding any presentation - related problems to the potential author(s) that are caused by the screening.

Terms and conditions to reject a candidate of abstract may include;

  1. a description containing incompatible part with the establishment purpose and the articles of incorporation of AESJ,
  2. a description containing incompatible part with the Ethical Standard of AESJ, and
  3. a description containing partial expressions that is highly deemed inappropriate to present at the society meetings from a standpoint of non-compliant examples as follows;
  1. an abstract that does not contain enough scientific matters relating to AESJ, i.e. Nuclear Science and Engineering academic activities,
  2. an abstract containing matters commercial or business promotional purpose,
  3. an abstract concerning utilization of nuclear energy against the principle of its peaceful utilization,
  4. an abstract containing a statement to harm the reputation of a specific person or organization,
  5. an abstract containing violation of public order and morality,
  6. an abstract containing a claim on politics, religion or of never concerning with sciences,
  7. an abstract whose contents having partially or totally presented or published elsewhere previously, or
  8. an abstract without describing research objective, methods and scientifically logical results or conclusions.
Program organization

Presentation topic classification, arrangment and timetable will be handled entirely by the program committee.
We cannot guarantee to meet the speaker's request regarding the choice of subject classification made upon their abstract submission. The spekers will not be informed on the changes on the subject classification.


By submitting your Abstract and Summary, you will agree to transfer the Copyright to the Atomic Energy Society of Japan.
You are not permitted to reuse the Abstract and Summary content without the permission of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan.
The copyright of the presentation slides presented during the meeting will belong to the presenter. It is strictly prohibited to record the presentation without the permission of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan.

Registration in database

The titles, authors, organizations, keywords and summary of abstracts presented the meeting are registered and published in the databases of the Japan Science and Technology Agency.

Approval about presentation

It is the author's responsibility to secure such company aprovals as may be required.