Application for Oral Presentation

Abstract Submission (December 23 to January 9) *Closed

Only who has registered presentation can submit abstract.

  1. Enter the Log-in ID and Password which you set at account registration, and log into the registration website.
  2. Confirm the agreement and check "Agree", then register the presentation from "Final Submission" button.
  3. You are allowed to revise the information registered at your presentation registration (without Speaker and Subject Classification).
    *Please avoid any drastic change as the program has been arranged already with the information provided upon the presentation registration.
  4. Confirm whether the abstract is correctly uploaded, then click "Register" button.
  5. The submitted PDF file can be replaced anytime during the above submission period.
Abstract Guidelines

Create abstracts for presentation according to the abstract sample formats specified separately.

  • Length of the abstract
    The abstract length is limited to 1 page of A4: 210mm x 297mm. Please do not insert the page number in your abstract.
  • Columns
    Preset: 1 (Single column)
  • Margins
    Top: 20mm, Bottom: 20mm, Left: 20mm, Right: 20mm
  • Font type
    Use of Arial, Century, Times New Roman, Helvetica and Symbol is recommended. The font should be embedded if you wish to use other than these recommended font types.
  • Font size
    1) Title/Subtitle: 13pt, 2) Author names: 11pt, 3) Affiliations: 11pt, 4) Abstract: 10pt, 5) Keywords: 10pt, 6) Introduction~Conclusion: 10pt, 7) References: 9pt
  • Color
    There are no restrictions on the use of color materials for main body, figure or table.
  • Points to consider when preparing a PDF file
    The size of the PDF file sould not exceed 3MB. Any use of compressed file, password lock or other security functions is not allowed.
Presentation Registration (November 20 to December 4) *Closed

Please prepare the information below before registration.

  • Authors (Speaker + Co-authors) information
    Name, Affiliations and Member ID
  • Presentation information
    Title, Abstract of your summary paper (approx. 120 words), Keywords

Also, please read Guideline carefully before registration.

  1. Register account by clicking the blue button (only appear during the registration period), then log into registration system.
  2. Confirm the agreement and check "Agree", then register the presentation from "New Submission" button.
  3. Once your registration is completes, Submission Number will be issued.
  4. You can modify your registered information anytime during the above registration period for oral presentation.
Detailed Notes about Registration
  1. The registration page appears. Enter necessary information according to the instructions and examples displayed on the page.
  2. You will not be able to proceed to the next page if there are errors in the information entered. Check the instructions on the page again and enter the correct information.
  3. When you have entered all the required information, click the "Next" button. A page where you can confirm the information you have entered so far appears. If there are items that should be changed, click the "Back" button and make the necessary changes. After you have changed and confirmed the registration information, click the "Submit" button.
  4. When the registration is successfully accepted, the registration completion page appears and the Submission Number is displayd. Keep the Submission Number together with the password.
  5. After registration, you will receive an e-mail. If you do not, your registration may have failed. If you do not receive an e-mail within 24 hours, please contact Secretariat of AESJ.
  6. You can modify your regstered information anytime during the above registration period for oral presentation. If you would like to remove the presentation, you can do it from "Withdraw". Note that once you remove your presentation, you cannot undo that so please be careful.
  7. After deadline, we basically don't accept changes of presenters, changes of subject classifications, or withdrawal of presentations.