Click on each exhibiting institution's name to view details.
BWR Operator Training Center Corporation
BWR Operator Training Center Corporation
Address | 945-0307 新潟県刈羽郡刈羽村大字刈羽字西浦4161番地8 |
TEL | 0257-45-5500 |
Web site, SNS | https://www.btc.co.jp |
Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd
Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd
SIAL® is a geopolymer used for field of radioactive waste, and it is possible to solidify same way as the solidification of cement.
It is able to solidify the spent ion exchange resin, simulated sludge, incineration ash, oil, concentrated liquid waste which are difficult to solidify by cement. Geopolymer is a general term formed by polycondensation of inorganic aluminosilicate components and it is attracting interest due to the confinement effect of cesium.
SIAL® was developed by AllDeco Ltd (currently: AMENTUM) and SIAL is first solidification material applied for radioactive waste disposal in the world. It acquired licence as the solidification meaterial of radioactive waste disposal from Slovakia Nuclear Regulator (UJD SR) in 2003 and Czech Nuclear Regulator (SUJB) in 2006. Fuji is proceeding development of SIAL® application of radioactive waste in Japan and currently conducting solidification of 200 litters drum in the laboratory at Kawasaki. Moreover, Fuji conducted first time in Japan to demonstrate of the solidification of the actual filter sludge and ion exchange coming from nuclear power plant, and it is already confirmed that it shows well characteristics of Kd and compressive strength as the waste body.
In this exhibition, we are introducing the following items: The process of disposal of radioactive waste and experiences in Slovakia. The characteristics of SIAL® : working time from viscosity after kneading, the outside and inside temperature of waste body itself, the result of solidification experiments from the nuclear power plant in Japan.
Address | 210-9530 1-1,Tanabeshinden,Kawasaki-ku,Kawasaki-city 210-9530,Japan |
TEL | 044-329-2196 |
Web site, SNS | https://www.fujielectric.com/?ui_medium=jp_glnavi |
Ultra-trace radionuclide analysis requires a technique for efficiently extracting and separating/purifying the target nuclide from the sample of interest.
Samples to be analyzed range from environmental samples such as soil, river water, and oceanic samples to dietary products such as crops, marine products, and livestock, as well as waste from decommissioning of nuclear fuel facilities.
GL SCIENCES provides information on products for sample preparation and pretreatment necessary to analyze trace nuclides in such analytes.
We present equipment for rapid ashing of samples at high temperatures, automated alkali fusion systems, and closed vessel microwave decomposition systems.
GLS provides Specific separators dedicated to radionuclides to acid-resistant automated solid-phase extraction systems and UF6-QMS analyzers are also introduced.
Please feel free to contact us for further information.
Radio Nuclides Analysis Products Catalog
Multi-elements Standards "Plasamacal"
Hot block digestion system "MetaPREP"
Address | 163-1130 6-22-1Nishishinjuku, Tokyo, Japan |
TEL | 03-5323-6611 |
Web site, SNS | https://www.glsciences.com/ |
Global Nuclear Fuel - Japan Co., Ltd.
Global Nuclear Fuel - Japan Co., Ltd.
Our company was established in 1967 as a nuclear fuel manufacturing company jointly funded by General Electric (GE) (USA), Hitachi, Ltd., and Toshiba Corporation. Since supplying the first domestically produced fuel in 1971, we have delivered over 80,000 fuel assemblies to nuclear power plants as the pioneer of nuclear fuel manufacturer, contributing to the stable supply of electricity in Japan. In 2000, the sales, design, and development departments were transferred from the parent companies, and became a subsidiary of GE. At present, under GE Vernova and Hitachi, Ltd., in addition to fuel manufacturing, core management related services as well as design and quality control work for MOX fuel are carried out. Our US base, GNF-A, provides fuel and related technologies to countries around the world, and we are expanding our business activities by taking advantage of the global scale merits based in Japan and the US.
Address | 239-0836 3-1, Uchikawa 2-Chome Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken Japan |
TEL | 046-833-2326 |
Web site, SNS | https://www.gnfjapan.com/english/company/index.html |
Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.
Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.
Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. has been providing a variety of solutions to the nuclear power plants throughout the overall plant lifecycle: design, development, construction, operation & maintenance, and decommissioning. In addition, based on our BWR development/construction experiences and fuel-cycle technologies, we are developing advanced reactors using international collaborations to reduce capital cost of the nuclear power plant project, reduce high level waste in the fuel cycle, and provide the long-term stable power supply.
In this exhibition, we showcase Hitachi's development of the advanced reactors and fuels using application of innovative technologies. As advanced reactors, we exlain Innovative Light Water Reactor Highly Innovative ABWR (HI-ABWR), Highly Economic SMR BWRX-300, Light Water Cooled Fast Reactor RBWR and Small Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor PRISM. And as advanced fuels, we explain Accident Torrelent Fuel and Advanced MOX fuel.
Research and development/New reactors
Development of the Future Fuel & Core in Hitachi
Address | 101-8608 Akihabara Daibiru Building, 18-13, Soto-Kanda 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo |
TEL | 050-8882-7610 |
Web site, SNS | https://www.hitachi-hgne.co.jp/en/ |
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation
Address | 212-8585 72-34, Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa |
TEL | 044-576-4745 |
Web site, SNS | https://www.global.toshiba/ww/company/energy.html |