Session Details

[22308-10]Session C3

Wed. Sep 18, 2024 4:40 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Wed. Sep 18, 2024 7:40 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Room C(12-104)

[22308-10-01]Analysis of the Working Conditions of Full-Time Doctors at Saiseikai Hospitals for the Work Style Reform of physicians

*Shiho Samura1, Yamauchi Keita2, Yamaguchi Naohito3, Takahashi Takenori4 (1. Urasoe General Hospital, 2. Keio University, 3. Social Welfare Organization Saiseikai Imperial Gift Foundation, Inc., 4. The Institute of Statistical Mathmatics)

[22308-10-02]Analysis of Influenza Epidemics in a Mixed Season of Multiple Epidemics Using Pharmacy Sales data

*Sugita Ryusei1, Suzuki Tomomichi2, Itaka Shizu2 (1. Tokyo University of Science, 2. Tokyo University of Science, 3. Tokyo University of Science)

[22308-10-03]Study on intervention methods adapted to patient conditions in swallowing rehabilitation after stroke-feedback method focusing on the difference between standard and actual clinical practice -

*Ichikawa Renya1, Nakashima Eiko2, Ide Makoto3, Tsuru Satoko4, Kato Shogo5 (1. The University of Electro-Communications, 2. St Mary's Hospital, 3. St Mary's Healthcare Center, 4. The University of Tokyo, 5. The University of Electro-Communications)