Session Details

[32207-09]Session B6

Thu. Sep 19, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 19, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM UTC
Room B(12-105)

[32207-09-01]Effective Estimating the Patent Quality based on CNN

*Won Sang Lee1 (1. Gangneung Wonju National University (Korea))

[32207-09-02]Prosperity through Precision: Using Predictive Analytics to Shape Singapore's Housing Policy

*JIANYU TU1 (1. Singapore Quality Institute (Singapore))

[32207-09-03]From Foundations to Frontiers: Enhancing Quality Management with AI/ML Integration for Effective Failure Mode Avoidance

Kishorkumar Hanmant Patil1, *Asmita Ghate1, Amol Jagtap1 (1. TATA MOTORS LIMITED (India))