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[G-P-2]Growth history of the Tsunatori Unit in the Nedamo Belt, NE Japan, and Early to Middle Paleozoic igneous activities in the eastern Asian continental margin, based on the detrital zircon geochemistry

*Ryu NAKANO1, Shogo AOKI1, Tkayuki UCHINO2, Mayuko FUKUYAMA3, Yoshiaki KON4 (1. Graduate school of International Resource Science, Akita University, 2. Research Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 3. Graduate school of Engineering Science, Akita University, 4. Research Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)
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Nedamo Belt,Early Carboniferous,detrital zircon,U-Pb age,trace element

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