Session Details

[2poster86-94]GG-3. sub-Petrology_Mineralogy_Volcanology

Mon. Sep 9, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Mon. Sep 9, 2024 4:30 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Gy_poster(General Education_Section3 1-2Floors)

[G-P-20]Occurrence of Teragaike Andesite in the southeast Osaka

*Takaharu Sato1, Takuya YAMAGUCHI2 (1. Osaka Museum of Natural History, 2. Kansai University)

[G-P-21]Stratigraphy and volcanic succession of the Yugamine rhyolite in Gero city

*Kuniyuki Furukawa1, Yoshitoshi Hirai2, Atsushi Uemine3, Motohiro Tsuboi4 (1. Aichi Univ., 2. Miyoshi city board of education, 3. Nanzan Univ., 4. Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)

[G-P-22]A slight anomaly of noble gas isotope ratio observed in the water samples taken from the Lake Okama and surrounding springs near Zao volcano

*Keiko Sato1,3, Hidenori Kumagai2,3, Naoyoshi Iwata4, Akio Goto5, Masao Ban4 (1. Sakurano no Seibo Junior College, 2. Gakushuin Women’s College, 3. JAMSTEC, 4. Faculty of Science, Yamagata University, 5. Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)

[G-P-23]Petrology and U-Pb zircon dating on poikilitic hornblende peridotite in the southern end of the Abukuma Mountains

Akira Wakazono1, Mayuko Fukuyama2, Keita Itano2, Yumiko Harigane3, Akihiro Tamura1, *Tomoaki Morishita1,4 (1. Kanazawa University, 2. Akita University, 3. The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 4. JAMSTEC)

[G-P-24]Geochemical characteristics of basalts considered to be Late-Oligocene to Early-Miocene from the Akagami area in the northwestern part of Noto Peninsula

*Toshiro TAKAHASHI1, Akitaka SHIBANO2, Yuki HASHIMOTO3 (1. Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, 2. Pacific Consultants Co.,Ltd, 3. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University)

[G-P-25]Study on mode of occurrence of jasper veins and alteration of host andesite lava in Tamayu-cho area, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture

*Hiroto OHIRA1, Ruka NAKAZATO2, Ryo MARUYAMA1 (1. Shimane University, 2. Shimane University (NIPPON INSIEK CO., LTD.))

[G-P-26]An attempt to analyse the weathering process of the Daito granodiorite by Raman spectroscopy

*Motohiro TSUBOI1, Hiroshi OKA2, Koki MOMOI1 (1. Kwansei Gakuin University, 2. HORIBA, Techno Service Co., Ltd.)

[G-P-27]Melanophlogite from the Miocene Morai Formation, Hokkaido and the environment of methane seep deposit

*Keita TAKAHASHI1, Hikaru SAWADA2, Kazuki KOMATSU1, Akihiro KANO1, Koichi MOMMA3 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. University of Toyama, 3. National Museum of Nature and Science)

[G-P-28]The source material of the Iwafune diorite, Ibaraki Prefecture.

*Haruki YAMAZAKI1,2, Terumi EJIMA1,2, Yoshiaki KON2, Daisuke ARAOKA2 (1. Shinshu Univ. Sci., 2. GSJ, AIST)