Session Details

[3oral613-19]GG-6. sub-Quaternary geology・environmental geology

Tue. Sep 10, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM JST
Tue. Sep 10, 2024 6:00 AM - 7:45 AM UTC
oral-06(General Education_Section1-133)
Chiar:Yoshihiro TAKESHITA(Shinshu Univ.), Masami WATANABE(Archaeological Research Consultant, Inc.)

[G6-O-3]Temporal change of paleoenvironments of the central to eastern part of the Izumo Plain, Shimane Prefecture, during the Early to Middle Holocene based on analysis of fossil ostracod assemblages.

*Nagomi OUE1, Toshiaki IRIZUKI1, Hajime NAKASHIMA1, Gennai HOTTA1, Koji SETO1, Kota KATSUKI1, Toshimichi NAKANISHI2, Yoshiki SAITO1 (1. Shimane Univ., 2. Fujimu.)

[G6-O-4]Diatom analysis of the uppermost Pleistocene to Holocene boring core in the vicinity of Omuma, Wakkainai, northern Hokkaido, Japan

*Tsumoru Sagayama1,2, Norio KITO3, Daigo NATSUKI4, Masahiro FUKUDA4 (1. Hokkaido Research Center of Geology, 2. Earth Science Co. Ltd., 3. Hokkaido Univ. of Education, 4. Univ. of Tokyo)

[G6-O-5]Paleovegetation change in the midstream area of the Shimada River, Southeast Yamaguchi prefecture, Southwest Japan, 2nd – Pollen analysis results and Historical materials-

*Masami WATANABE1,2, Naohiko TABATA3 (1. Archaeological Research Consultant, Inc., 2. Estuary Research Center, Shimane Univ., 3. Arcaeological Museum, Yamaguchi Univ.)

[G6-O-6]Tephrochronological study on the Quaternary Kazusa Group in the western part of the Tama Hills, west Kanto Plain, NE Japan

*Takehiko SUZUKI1, Koji SHODA2, Mayu HASHIMOTO1, Mioko KAWABATA1, Nanami JIMBA1, Daiki SUGASAWA1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2. Daito Bunka University)

[G6-O-7]Do the black sand grains on the beach have forensic geological value?

*Ritsuko Sugita1 (1. National Research Institute of Police Science)

[G6-O-8]Microtopography of the central Akita City and flood disaster on the July 2023

*yukio FUJIMOTO1 (1. Akita Educational Earth Science Society)

[G6-O-9]Geoscientific research to examinate the cause of the 2021 Atamidebris flow disaster (3)

*Akihisa KITAMURA1 (1. Shizuoka Univ.)