Session Details
[4WP-OP]Wood Physics
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 1:30 PM - 4:20 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 4:30 AM - 7:20 AM UTC
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 4:30 AM - 7:20 AM UTC
ISWST 4 (Room 3-B)(Exhibition Bldg.)
[4WP-OP-01][Invited] Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Wood Physics
○Satoru Tsuchikawa1 (1. Nagoya University (Japan))
[4WP-OP-02]Thermal Imaging as a Tool to Predict the Water Vapour Adsorption of Wood
○Mikko Juhani Valkonen1, Muhammad Awais2, Lauri Rautkari1 (1. Aalto Univ. School of Chem. Eng. (Finland), 2. Norwegian Univ. of Life Sci. (Norway))
[4WP-OP-03]Understanding water uptake in wood using X-ray tomography and digital volume correlation.
○Romain Bordage1, Laurent Orgéas1, Yoshiharu Nishyiama2, Sabine Rolland du Roscoat1 (1. Univ. Grenoble Alpes - CNRS - Grenoble INP Laboratoire Sols-Solides-Structures-Risques (3SR Lab) (France), 2. CNRS, Laboratoire Cermav (France))
[4WP-OP-04]Mechanism of Growth Stress Generation Inferred from Hygro-thermal Recovery Behavior of Hardwood (Zelkova serrata)
○Tamaki Kugimiya1, Hiroyuki Yamamoto1, Masato Yoshida1, Naohisa Kameyama1, Miyuki Matsuo2 (1. Nagoya University (Japan), 2. Kyoto University (Japan))
[4WP-OP-05]Hygrothermal Recovery Behavior of Hinoki at Different Temperatures Over a Prolonged Period
○Qiyu Jing1, Hiroyuki Yamamoto1, Masato Yoshida1, Naoki Takabe1, Kosei Ando1 (1. Nagoya University (Japan))
[4WP-OP-06]Modulus of Rigidity of Fagus Crenata (Buna) Laminated Wood by Dynamic Torsion Tests
○Firas Hawasly1, Koji Adachi1, Sonia Correa Jurado2, Javier Ramón Sotomayor Castellanos2 (1. Akita Prefectural University (Japan), 2. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo (Mexico))
[4WP-OP-07]Toughness Mechanism in the Radial and Tangential Systems of Cryptomeria japonica Sapwood and Heartwood
○Tatiana Mitie ENTA1, Yoshiyuki YANASE1, Norihiko YAMADA1, Koji MURATA1 (1. Lab. of Wood Processing, Division of Forest and Biomaterials Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ. (Japan))
[4WP-OP-08]Computer Simulation of Thermal and Moisture Distribution Changes during Kiln Drying of Large Cross-Section Timber
○Bat-Uchral BATJARGAL1, Taekyeong LEE3, Chang-Jin LEE2, Hwanmyeong YEO 1,3,4 (1. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioresources, Seoul National Univ. (Korea), 2. Jeonbuk National Univ. (Korea), 3. Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National Univ. (Korea), 4. Department of Forest Sciences, Seoul National Univ. (Korea))