Session Details

[6TE-OP]Timber Engineering

Tue. Mar 18, 2025 1:30 PM - 4:20 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 4:30 AM - 7:20 AM UTC
ISWST 6 (Room 4-B)(Exhibition Bldg.)

[6TE-OP-01]Influence of the Distance from the Pith in Compressive Behavior on Douglas Fir Logs.

○JIUZHANG CHEN1, Kenji Aoki1 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan))


○Hüseyin Emre Ilgin1, Markku Karjalainen1 (1. Tampere University (Finland))

[6TE-OP-03]Flexural Strengthening of Curved Laminated Veneer Lumber by Adding Oriented Angle-Ply Laminates

○Firas Hawasly1, Koji Adachi1 (1. Akita Prefectural University (Japan))


[6TE-OP-04]Measuring price premium for residential renovations with wooden interiors using contingent valuation method

○Kenji Nagasaka1, Masafumi Inoue1 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan))

[6TE-OP-05]Local Economic Ripple Effects of Domestic Wood Demand in the Multi-Story Wooden Building

○Takuya Morii1, Masafumi Inoue2 (1. Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (Japan), 2. The University of Tokyo (Japan))

[6TE-OP-06]Modelling mechanosorptive and viscoelastic behaviour in a variable climate environment

○Martian ASSEKO ELLA1,2, Giacomo GOLI3, Rostand MOUTOU PITTI3,4 (1. Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS (France), 2. HSM, Univ Montpellier, CNRS (France), 3. University of Florence, DAGRI-Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (Italy), 4. CENAREST, IRT (Gabon))


[6TE-OP-07]Applications of X-ray CT and NIR-HSI in Predicting Moisture Migration and Monitoring Deformation In Wood Drying

○Wenpeng Zeng1, Tetsuya Inagaki1, Te Ma1, Satoru Tsuchikawa1 (1. Nagoya Univ. (Japan))

[6TE-OP-08]The identification of wood material properties used in three-dimensional finite element analysis and the validation of the analysis model's accuracy.

○Kei Kaise1, Kenji Aoki1, Hiro Kawahara2 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Japan))

[6TE-OP-09]Research on the efficient extraction and separation of Eucommia gum and the development of functional materials

○Qiang Ming Zhu1, Xue Feng Yao1, Xue Feng Ma1, Guo Kai Zhao1 (1. Northwest A&F University (China))