Session Details

[9WI-OP]2025 WWD Symposium & IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium Session

Tue. Mar 18, 2025 1:30 PM - 5:45 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 4:30 AM - 8:45 AM UTC
ISWST 9 (Tachibana)(Conference Bldg. 2F)

[9WI-OP-01]Study of the implementation of fibrous materials and earth in hollow body slab in reinforced concrete: case of laterite, Borassus aethiopum and Calamus deerratus woods

○Edmond Codjo ADJOVI1, Daniel Yemalin AGOSSOU1, Thomas Dekandji EKPO1, Abdelouahab KHELI3, Remi Boissiere, Armel Amadji.1, Edem CHABI2 (1. université des sciences, technologies, ingénierie et mathématiques (Benin), 2. Ecole de Génie Rural. Université Nationale d’Agriculture. Bénin (Benin), 3. Université de Lorraine (France))

[9WI-OP-02]Eco friendly bio-preservation of Poplar wood using sub-fractionated extract of Lantana camara L.

○Laqshika Patiyal1, Dr. Bhupender Dutt1, Dr. Bhupesh Gupta1, Dr. Yash Pal Sharma1, Dr. Rajneesh Kumar1, Dr. Rohit Sharma1 (1. Dr Y.S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry (India))

[9WI-OP-03]Woodworking challenge contest for junior high school students in Japan for technology education

○Takashi Higashihara1, Jun Tanabe2, Satoru Ohya3 (1. Joetsu Univ. of Education (Japan), 2. Chiba Univ. (Japan), 3. Hokkaido Univ. of Education (Japan))


[9WI-OP-04]Are wood physics and aesthetics related to threat level for species culturally important in crafts?

○Iris Brémaud1 (1. CNRS (France))

[9WI-OP-05]Traditional Joints of Column and Horizontal Structural Members: Chinese Practices from Yingzao Fashi in Comparison with Existing Timber Architecture in Japan

○Yufeng HE1, Kaori Fujita1, Shigeatsu Shimizu2 (1. UTokyo (Japan), 2. KIT (Japan))

[9WI-OP-06]Wood identifications of a particular group of Egyptian Middle Kingdom “Paddle dolls”.

○Maria Victoria Asensi Amoros1 (1. Xylodata (France))


[9WI-OP-07]Relevance and Continuity of Wood in the Kath khuni Architecture in the Mountainous Region of Himachal Pradesh, India

○Jay Thakkar1, Mansi Shah1 (1. CEPT University (India))

[9WI-OP-08]Importance of trees outside forests for timber production in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.

○Babita Shrestha1, Bhuvan Keshar Sharma2, Ram Kailash Prasad Yadav1 (1. CDB, TU (Nepal), 2. CODEFUND (Nepal))

[9WI-OP-09]A Rapid Assessment of Urban Tropical Landscapes using i-Tree Canopy: A Study of Metro Manila

Ulysses Nolan Camarador Paredes1, ○Habito DL Consuelo1 (1. UP Open University (Philippines))

[9WI-OP-10]From the Spain to the Andes – Transfers, Adaptation, and Innovations of Framing Carpentry in Colonial Colombia (16th -17th centuries)

○Francisco Mamani Fuentes1,2 (1. Institut Français d'Études Andines (France), 2. Centro de Estudios Históricos, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins (Chile))


[9WI-OP-11][Invited] Wood as light resource in prehistoric Hallstatt, Austria

○Michael Grabner1, Daniel Brandner2, Elisabeth Waechter3, Kerstin Kowarik4, Hans Reschreiter (1. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, BOKU (Austria), 2. Natural History Museum Vienna (Austria), 3. (Austria), 4. Austrian Academy of Science, Austrian Archaeological Institute (Austria))

[9WI-OP-12]Wooden Coffin as Symbol of Power in Ancient Dynasties

○Yoon Soo KIM1 (1. Chonnam National University (Korea))