The 66th annual conference of Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Call for Presentations

Call for Presentations

We do welcome foreign presenters for oral presentations at regular sessions. The regular sessions will be hybrid in nature, incorporating real-time machine translation powered by AI. English presentations will display Japanese subtitles, while Japanese presentations will show English subtitles on a secondary screen to facilitate understanding across languages. This first initiative represents a significant undertaking for us, and we are eager to receive submissions from international presenters.

While this conference is positioned as a domestic one, it also exhibits the characteristics of an international conference. Our objective is not to make it a domestic conference for Japanese speakers only, but rather a borderless conference for both domestic and international participants.

Abstract submission deadline

March 14, 2025

Presentation format

  • Presentations must be oral.
  • A projector (HDMI connection cable) will be provided as a visual aid for presenters.
    No presentations will be allowed with your own PC.
  • Please save your presentation data on a USB (type A or C) and bring it with you.
  • Each presentation will be in 20 minutes including Q&A (12 minutes for presentation, 7 minutes for Q&A, and 1 minute for changeover).
  • Please prepare your presentation slides in English. The presentation will be automatically translated into Japanese.
  • Please include a conflict of interest disclosure in your presentation slides. For details, click here>>Conflict of Interest

Acceptance notification

  • Notification of acceptance and date of your presentation will be sent to the e-mail address you registered when submitting your abstract around the end of March.

How to submit an abstract

  • All abstract submissions must be made online via this website.
  • Please be sure to complete registration and payment before submitting your abstract.
  • You need to get an account for abstract submission when you first submit your abstract by clicking the “Registration” button. You can submit your abstract after obtaining an account. It is your responsibility to keep the login ID and password. For security reasons, we cannot respond to any inquiries regarding your login ID and password. If you have forgotten your password, please click the “Forgot your password? on the login screen to reissue your password.
  • Please enter the title and the abstract of your presentation within 150 words on the registration page displayed by clicking the “Registration” button.
  • After your abstract submission is complete, an email notification including an acceptance number will be sent to your registered email address. This notification is usually sent within a few minutes, but if you do not receive it, your abstract submission may not have been completed. Please check your registration details and if it is not complete, please register again.

Preparation and Submission of Proceedings

  • Submission deadline: Friday, April 18, 2025
  • Please download the proceeding file format below, and submit it via the abstract submission form by the submission deadline.
  • The proceedings will be indexed on J-Stage with ISBN as a supplement of the Japanese Journal of Ergonomics.

 Word file(English version)

 PDF file for format confirmation

Editing Infromation After Submission

  • You may review, modify, or cancel your abstract as many times as you like until the proceedings submission deadline.
  • To confirm, modify, or cancel your presentation, please log in to the proceedings submission system using the login ID and password you obtained at the time of proceedings submission.

Important Notes

  • Please check the login screen for the recommended browsers for the abstract submission system. Even if you have accessed the system using the recommended browser, you may not be able to submit your abstract depending on your computer environment. If you are unable to submit your abstract, please try submitting your abstract from another computer with a different computer environment.
  • The secretariat will not be held responsible for any mistakes made by the authors. Before clicking the “Register” button, please be sure to check that the information is correct.

Abstract Registration

Please register your abstract by clicking the button below.
