Submission for Digital Posters and Videos (due August 23 at 17:00)

Participants who will deliver a general research presentation, present at a public symposium, or give a short lecture or a tutorial workshop in an on-demand format are requested to submit a digital poster or video as follows.

Submission period

Wednesday, July 31, noon to Friday, August 23, 2024 (5:00 PM Japan time) 

Where to submit

Please upload your digital poster or video to the dedicated data registration site. The URL and login information for the site will be emailed on July 31.

Poster Presentation

1. Preparation of a digital poster

  • Please create a digital poster with the same content as the physical poster you will display at the presentation venue of the Convention.
  • The data should be submitted in a JPG or PNG format.
  • Please use Microsoft PowerPoint or other presentation software to create your digital poster. Posters may be composed of only one large-sized slide or multiple slides to be compiled into one poster. If multiple slides are used, the number of slides should be limited to 25 and each slide should be numbered.
  • The size of each file (i.e., each slide file) should not exceed 10 MB.
  • Posters should include the following information:
    • Title of presentation
    • Name and affiliation of presenter
    • Content to be presented
  • The specifications for the physical posters to be displayed at the venue are as follows:
- The size of the panel should be 210 (h) x 90 (w) cm.
- Please indicate the presentation title and the presenter’s name and affiliation on the top of the poster in large print. The approximate size should be 20 (h) x 70 (w) cm.
- There is no specification for font sizes for body text. However, please make sure that text is legible from the audience (at a distance of approximately 2 m).
- Please consider color schemes for those with color vision variation. (Please refer to “Review” ->“Check Accessibility” in PowerPoint.)
- If you are presenting joint research/development, receiving support/funding, or have other disclosable relationships with other organizations such as private corporations, please disclose the details in the poster.
cf. The Japanese Psychological Association “JPA Rules on Conflicts of Interest” JapaneseEnglish 

2. Submission of digital posters

Please log in to the designated data registration site and upload your file(s) (10 MB or less).

The login information for the registration site will be sent to the responsible presenters via email on July 31.

[Registration site (digital poster)]

If your poster has multiple slides, please upload the files for each slide in the correct order. After uploading, please be sure to check that they are registered in the correct order.

Public Symposia, Short Lectures, Tutorial Workshops (on demand)

1. Video creation

  • Please create an mp4 file (5 GB or less) using the video creation function of Microsoft PowerPoint, the recording function of Zoom, or similar functions.
  • Each event is limited to one video; multiple videos cannot be submitted for a single event. If your event has multiple speakers and you wish to create a video for each speaker, please merge them into a single video file and submit it.
  • Approximate length of files to be uploaded are:
    • Public symposium: 100 minutes or less
    • Short lecture: 50 minutes or less
    • Tutorial workshop: 100 minutes or less
  • In principle, all speakers other than each event’s organizer (topic presenters, designated discussants, moderators, speakers, lecturers, etc.) must present in the video.
  • The recommended screen aspect ratio is wide-screen (16:9). Other aspect ratios such as standard (4:3) are acceptable, but the video may be displayed smaller than other presentations.
  • If you are presenting joint research/development, receiving support/funding, or have other disclosable relationships with other organizations such as private corporations, please disclose the details in the slides.
  • Please make reasonable efforts to ensure information security to the extent possible in the video you have created. For details, please refer to the section “Requests for Reasonable Information Security Considerations in Planning” in the latter half of this page.

2. Video submission

Please log in to the designated data registration site and upload your mp4 file (5 GB or less).

The login information for the registration site will be sent to the responsible presenters via email on July 31.

[Registration site (video)]

Copyrights for digital posters and videos

  • The copyright of the digital posters and videos belongs to the presenters. The copyrights will not be transferred to JPA, but we ask for permission to post them on the Convention website.
  • Presenters shall bear the responsibility for any and all issues related to copyrights and trademarks. Please be sure to pay close attention to the rights related to digital posters and videos.
  • The following items will not be accepted for publication.
    • Unauthorized publication of face images or other materials of famous domestic or foreign musicians, athletes, entertainers, etc. (photographs, videos, music, etc.)
    • Unauthorized posting of photographs or other materials in which individuals’ faces are recognizable.
    • Unauthorized posting of photographs, etc. copied from corporate or individual websites, etc.
    • Unauthorized publication of domestic and foreign artwork such as cartoons, animations, and other works.
    • Other images, videos, documents, etc. that are problematic in terms of copyrights, trademark rights, design rights, portrait rights, etc.
  • Since the copyrights are not transferred to the Association, you may publish your digital poster and video on your own website after the Convention.* You do not need to obtain permission from the JPA to publish them. However, please clearly state that the presentation was first made at the 88th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association.
    If you wish to publish a digital poster or video composed of multiple presenters or speakers, please be sure to obtain the permission of all presenters or speakers before publishing the poster or video.

* The 88th Annual Convention will be held from September 6 to 8, 2024.

Request for reasonable accommodation for information security in event planning

The Convention aims to ensure that all participants mutually respect each other’s personality and individuality and that information is provided to everyone, irrespective of the presence of a disability.

Therefore, we would appreciate your cooperation in making reasonable accommodations for participants with disabilities to the extent possible in the preparation of posters, videos, and other materials. In particular, we would like to indicate in the program if it is possible to insert subtitles for on-demand videos.



The following are examples of reasonable accommodations for participants with disabilities. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation.

  • Adding subtitles to your video (subtitles can be inserted using a video sharing and streaming platform or free subtitling software).
  • In screen-sharing materials, using more text information so that the audience can follow what the speaker is saying, rather than using independent key words. Text information is easier to understand than a series of key words
  • Speaking slowly and clearly, and adding verbal explanations to charts and graphs when presenting them.
  • Be aware of color schemes for people with color vision variation (go to the “Review” tab and click on the “Check Accessibility” button of the PowerPoint presentation). Use a green laser pointer rather than red if possible.