For Presenters

Poster Presentation

1. [Presentation requirements]

Poster Presentation must satisfy the following two conditions to be recognized as an official presentation.

(1) Post a presentation research paper and a digital poster to the Program Searching System.
(2) Participate in a Poster Presentation at the event hall (including 50 minutes of required attendance). However, if applied for in advance, a presentation by proxy or online can be permitted.
* Please refer to item 13 for the application and method for presentation by proxy or online.

2. [Submission of a digital poster prior to the event]

The presenter in charge must submit a digital poster prior to the event. The submission period runs from Wednesday, July 31, noon to Friday, August 23, 2024 (5:00 PM Japan time). For more details, please refer to the webpages pertaining to creation and submission of a digital poster/video.

* The presentation research paper and digital poster become available to the Annual Meeting participants ahead of the event, from August 26.

3. [Presentation Venue]

The presentations are held at the KUMAMOTO-JO HALL 1F Exhibition Hall. The presenters must arrive at the reception desk in front of the venue for the Poster Presentation at least ten minutes prior to the session.

4. [Reception desk]

The following ribbons will be provided at the reception desk.

(1) Insignia ribbon

Please wear the ribbon to indicate your presenter status to visitors and staff members. After the session is over, please return the ribbon to the reception desk.

(2) Panel ribbon (Only for candidates for JPA Distinguished Poster Presentation Award)

When you registered for your presentation, if you indicated you would like to be a candidate for a Presentation Award, you will receive this ribbon. The panel ribbon must be attached at the top of the poster panel.

5. [Poster Presentation]

Presenters must place the poster on the panel showing their panel number at least five minutes before the start of the session.

6. [Required attendance time for Poster Presentation]

The Poster Presentation is for 100 minutes. Please keep the poster in place during your presentation period of 100 minutes. Please answer questions from visitors during your required attendance for Poster Presentation. (If your poster panel number is odd, your required attendance time is the first 50 minutes; otherwise, it is the second 50 minutes). Within reasonable limits, please also stay more than your required attendance time.

7. [Panel number]

The panel number for the presentation is part of your Presentation Number. Here’s how to read the Presentation Number.

  • Character at first position: Presentation date (one of day 1 ~ day 3)
  • Characters at position 2: Presentation time period (A:9:00-10:40,B:11:10-12:50,C:13:20-15:00,D:15:30-17:10)
  • Characters at position 3-5: Panel number (Attendance time period = Odd number means the first 50 minutes, and even number means the second 50 minutes)
  • Characters at position 6-7: Presentation category

The above example shows the first day of the Annual Convention (September 6) between 9:00 to 10:40 to present a poster on panel number 23 and required to attend during the first 50 minutes (9:00 – 9:50). The category is PD (clinical/disorder).

8. [Presentation categories]

The following are the presentation categories (total of 20 categories).

PATheory / Method
PCSocial / Culture
PDClinical / Disorder
PECrime / Delinquency
PFMathematics / Statistics
PHSense / Perception
PLLanguage / Thinking
PMEmotion / Motivation
PQIndustry / Traffic
PRSports / Health

9. [Poster specifications]

The following show the poster specifications.

- The size of the panel is 210 (h) x 90 (w) cm.
- Please indicate the presentation topic, name of the presenter, and affiliation on the top of the poster in large print. The guidelines for the size are 20 (h) x 70 (w) cm.
- There is no specification for font sizes, however, make sure to be legible from a relative distance (approximately 2 m).
- Please consider color schemes for those with color vision variation. (Please refer to “Review” ->“Check Accessibility” in PowerPoint.)
- If you are presenting joint research/development, receiving support/funding, or have other disclosable relationships with other organizations such as private corporations, please disclose details in the poster.
cf. The Japanese Psychological Association “JPA Rules on Conflicts of Interest” JapaneseEnglish
* The poster displayed at the event hall must be the same as the digital poster uploaded prior to the event. However, it is fine to update minor errors.

10. [Distributing materials]

If you plan to distribute materials during the presentation, please prepare and distribute them yourself.

11. [After the presentation]

Within ten minutes after the end of the session, please take down your poster. If posters are left beyond this time period, the Annual Convention Office will take them down and discard them to ensure enough preparation time is available for the next presenter. Please keep this in mind.

12. [Q&A (comment section)]

The conference website shows each presentation page with a comment section. When participants who viewed a presentation paper or digital poster submit comments, the presenter in charge will receive a notification email. Please use the comment section for Q&A. The Q&A period is during the Annual Convention (Friday, September 6 to Sunday, September 8).

During the extended period for on-demand content after the Annual Convention (until Thursday, October 31), responding to comments is not required, but please respond within reasonable limits.

13. [Presentation by proxy or online]

Due to unavoidable circumstances, if the presenter in charge cannot attend in person, and applied prior to the commencement of the presentation, it is possible to present by proxy or online.

(1) Presentation by proxy

Another presenter whose name is listed in the presentation may act as a proxy for the main presenter.

(2) Online presentation

The presentation will be posted online without an in-person presentation. No required attendance time.

During the Annual Convention, please respond to questions submitted through the comment section by participants who viewed the presentation paper or a digital poster. Please refer to item 12 for details.

* Application form for Presentation by proxy or online

Both presentation by proxy and online require submission of an application in advance. As long as it is prior to the commencement of the presentation, an application submitted immediately before the presentation can be accepted.

Please use the specified web form. 


* If the presentation is changed to proxy or online, it will be published in the conference proceedings (to be published after the conference).

14. [Errata corrections]

If there are any corrections in the presenter's name, presentation details, etc., please indicate the corrections in a comment section.

Errata corrections will be accepted after the conference. Please submit the form for errata correction after the conference.

[ Errata Submission Form ] (Deadline: 10/8/17:00)