Presentation Information

[19a-A302-7]Homoepitaxial growth of Si-doped β-Ga2O3 thin films by mist CVD

〇Shoma Hosaka1, Hiroyuki Nishinaka1, Temma Ogawa1, Hiroki Miyake2, Masahiro Yoshimoto1 (1.Kyoto Inst. Tech., 2.MIRISE)


Ga2O3,mist CVD

In this work, we demonstrated Si-doped homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 thin films by mist CVD. The samples indicated very smooth surfaces and carrier concentration of the samples were contollable in the range of 1018~1020cm-3 by Si density in precursor water. Especially in larger carrier concentration more than 1020cm-3, the sample indicated high mobility more than 60cm2/Vs, which revealed the priority of Si dopant against other group Ⅳ dopants in mist CVD.