Presentation Information
[19a-A601-1]Design of high diffraction efficiency and high resolutionsoft X-ray laminar-type multilayer gratings for 2-4 keV region (III)
〇Masato Koike1,2,3, Tadashi Hatano2, Pirozhkov Alexander1, Yoshihiro Ueno4, Masami Terauchi2 (1.QST, 2.Tohoku Univ., 3.Osaka Metro. Univ., 4.Shimadzu Corp.)
diffraction grating,multilayer,soft x-ray
Soft x-ray diffraction gratings with high average diffraction efficiency and resolution in the energy region of 2 to 4 keV (wavelength 0.3 nm to 0.6 nm) have been developed. In this study, assuming an effective ruled line density of 2400 to 4200 lines/mm, we designed soft x-ray VLS spherical gratings coated with multilayer based on a supermirror structure optimized for soft X-ray high-dispersion flat-field spectrographs. We describe the results of the evaluations on the spectral resolution and diffraction efficiency by numerical calculations.