Presentation Information

[19a-A601-9]Efficient extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source

〇Takeshi Higashiguchi1, Hiroki Morita1, Shinichi Namba2, Kentato Tomita3, Atsushi Sunahara4 (1.Utsunomiya Univ., 2.Hiroshima Univ., 3.Hokkaido Univ., 4.Purdue Univ.)


EUV source,conversion efficiency

The power consumption per exposure system is in the 1.3 MW class. The power consumption of CO2 lasers accounts for a large portion of the power consumption of exposure systems. Currently, there is no prospect of reducing the power consumption per exposure system. Therefore, we have investigated (1) the maximum conversion efficiency that a CO2 laser-generated plasma EUV source can provide and (2) the laser wavelength dependence of the conversion efficiency of a solid-state laser-generated plasma EUV source in the mid-infrared region. In this presentation, we will report on the maximum conversion efficiency that a CO2 laser-generated plasma EUV source can provide and a method to improve the EUV conversion efficiency further using a 2 µm laser wavelength.