Presentation Information

[19p-B101-10]Depth-resolved nanoXRD of AlGaN-based UV-B wavelength laser diode

〇Shota Taniguchi1, Yusuke Hayashi1, Tetsuya Tohei1, Kazushi Sumitani2, Yasuhiko Imai2, Shigeru Kimura2, Motoaki Iwaya3, Hideto Miyake4, Akira Sakai1 (1.Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ., 2.JASRI, 3.Meijo Univ., 4.Grad. Sch. Eng., Mie Univ.)


nitride semiconductor,AlGaN Laser Diode

AlGaN-based lasers diodes (LDs) are expected to be a coherent light source in the deep UV region, replacing gas and solid-state lasers. In this study, depth-resolved measurements were performed on UV-B wavelength AlGaN LD structures grown on nanopatterned AlN templates using nanobeam X-ray diffraction (nanoXRD) at SPring-8 to extract three-dimensional information inside the crystal, and three-dimensional fault structure of AlGaN LDs on AlN nanopatterns was revealed.