Presentation Information

[19p-B201-6]High sensitivity infrared absorption spectroscopy and infrared defect dynamics of silicon crystal, 2-nd generation (22) Dipole moment of N-complexes

〇Naohisa Inoue1, Shuichi Kawamata1, Shuichi Okuda1 (1.Radiaiton Research Center, Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)


silicon crystal,nitrogen,infrared absorption

We have developed the 2-nd generation IR, Infrared Defect Dynamics, where IR absorption of all complexes of intrinsic point defects and oxygen, carbon and nitrogen, are measured down to about 1012/cm3 concentration, and concentration is obtained rather than absorbance using estimated dipole moment. All reactions in radiation and annealing are clarified. It helps to control defects. We constructed the database on C-O-I-V system and open in a website. Here, the dipole moment of N-complexes, Ni, NiOi, VNs, VNN, VVNN are obtained with respect to NN and NO complexes by the “complex total sum constant theorem.”