Presentation Information

[19p-P01-52]Bi2Se3 homoepitaxial growth on elementally doped Bi2Se3 using MBE

〇Hiroto Inui2, Souma Takefuta2, Seiya Yokokura1,2, Toshihiro Shimada1,2 (1.Eng Hokkaido Univ., 2.CSE Hokkaido Univ.)


topological insulator,epitaxial,MBE

Bi2Se3 is a topological insulator with a band gap of 300 meV. Recently, it has been reported that amorphous Bi2Se3 also exhibits topological properties, and the relationship between crystallinity and physical properties is of interest. In fact, the Fermi level of bulk Bi2Se3 is located in the conduction band due to defects, etc., and it shows metallic properties. The conditions for epitaxial growth were investigated.