Presentation Information

[20p-A302-14]Effects of Nitrogen Radical Irradiation on Electrical Properties of Ga2O3 Schottky Barrier Diodes

〇(M1)Kohki Eguchi1, Shota Sato1, Zhenwei Wang2, Masataka Higashiwaki1,2 (1.Osaka Metropolitan Univ., 2.NICT)


gallium oxide,Schottky barrier diode,nitridation

Schottky barrier diodes were fabricated using n-Ga2O3 (100) substrates whose the surfaces were nitrided by nitrogen radical irradiation, and their current density–voltage characteristics were investigated. Various Schottky characteristics such as uniformity of the turn-on voltage were improved by the nitridation process, suggesting that the nitrogen radical irradiation process has an effect of recovering a damaged Ga2O3 surface and equalizing its condition.