Presentation Information
[21a-A302-8]Effect of ion bombardment in the growth of carbon hard mask on its plasma etch resistance
〇Yusuke Ando1, Hiroki Kondo2, Takayoshi Tsutsumi2, Kenji Ishikawa2, Makoto Sekine2, Masaru Hori2 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.Nagoya Univ. cLPS)
Plasma process,semiconductor,amorphous carbon
The elucidation of the growth mechanism of amorphous carbon is conducted with a combination of radical measurement and machine learning to improve its etch resistance. In this research, contribution analysis of the machine learning models made it clear that the ion irradiation generated with substrate bias contributes to determining etch resistance when the Hydrogen flow ratio is small. In addition, the effect of synergies between reactive species which determines the film property will be quantitatively discussed based on the ion and radical measurement with a quadrupole mass spectrometer.