Presentation Information
[21a-A304-8]Characteristics of pn junction diode at cryogenic temperature
〇(M1)Keito Yoshinaga1, Tomohisa Miyao1, Takahisa Tanaka2, Ken Uchida1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.Keio Univ.)
cryogenic,pn junction,diode
The characteristics of pn junction diodes on substrates with higher doping concentration compared to past studies were investigated, aiming for low temperature operation of CMOS necessary to high integration of quantum computers. The evaluation was performed at cryogenic temperatures, and the current conduction mechanism of pn diode was examined. Through measurements using devices of various sizes and TCAD simulations, the regions where current flows at low temperatures were discussed. Then, the possibility was verified that the field dependence of the well resistance is related to the change in the slope of the current-voltage relationship.