Presentation Information

[21a-A304-9]Temperature-Driven Changes of Random Telegraph Noise Sources in Bulk MOSFETs

〇Takumi Inaba1, Hiroshi Oka1, Hidehiro Asai1, Hiroshi Fuketa1, Shota Iizuka1, Kimihiko Kato1, Shunsuke Shitakata1, Koichi Fukuda1, Takahiro Mori1 (1.AIST)


quantum computer,cryo-CMOS,random telegraph noise

Assignment and reduction of 1/f noises in cryogenic operations of MOSFETs are of great importance for the realization of cryo-CMOS as qubits controllers. Although interface states are likely to be relevant as reported in recent study, the microscopic picture of the states are still unveiled. In this study, the temperature dependence of 1/f^2 noises, by which 1/f noises are composed, are analyzed to reveal its microscopic origin.