Presentation Information

[22a-A401-2]An investigation of novel gases for etching process by computational chemistry (II)

〇Toshio Hayashi1, Kenji Ishikawa1, Makoto Sekine1, Masaru Hori1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)


etching,novel alternative gases,dissociation channels

Perfluorocarbon, Hydrofluorocarbon, Hydrofluoroether, SF6, NF3 and others have been used as etching gases. However, novel alternative gases are also expected. Therefore, we investigate other favorable candidate gases. In this stage, we propose the CF3NH2 and CF3NO as the candidates, because CF3NH2 dissociates to CF2NH2+ + F in the ionization process and to CF2NH2 + F in the excitation process, and CF3NO dissociates to CF3+ + NO in the ionization process and CF3 + NO in the excitation process. These fragmented species have high reactivity and may be useful as the etchants and deposition species.