Session Details

[22a-A401-1~12]8.2 Plasma deposition of thin film, plasma etching and surface treatment

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 22, 2023 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
A401 (KJ Hall)
Tsubasa Imamura(Hitachi, Ltd.)

[22a-A401-1]Investigation of the nanopatterning of yttrium iron garnet using plasma dry etching

〇(M2)Tatsuya Kitai1, Siyuan Gao2, Kota Taniguchi1, Satoshi Iwamoto2, Ota Yasutomo1 (1.Keio Univ., 2.RCAST, the Univ. of Tokyo)

[22a-A401-2]An investigation of novel gases for etching process by computational chemistry (II)

〇Toshio Hayashi1, Kenji Ishikawa1, Makoto Sekine1, Masaru Hori1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)

[22a-A401-3]New etchants designed for etching of High Aspect Ratio (HAR) structures

〇Tomo Hasegawa1, Vladislav Gamaleev1, Nicolas Gosset1 (1.Airliquide Lab.)

[22a-A401-4]Quantitative evaluation of ion composition based on ionization rate at discharge-on phase in a capacitively coupled Ar/C4F8/O2 pulsed-plasma

〇Haruhito Kato1, Yudai Akatuka1, Shuichi Kuboi1, Haruka Suzuki1,2, Hirotaka Toyoda1,2,3 (1.Nagoya Univ, 2.cLPS, Nagoya Univ, 3.NIFS)

[22a-A401-5]Etching reactions of W substrate by CF3+ ion injections

〇Shunta Kawabata1, Tomoko Ito1, Song-Yun Kang2, Jiwon Son2, Dongkyu Lee2, Kazuhiro Karahashi1, Satoshi Hamaguchi1 (1.Osaka Univ., 2.Samsung Electronics)

[22a-A401-6]Electrode material dependence of negative ions in capacitively coupled pulsed plasma

〇(M2)Kazuki Toji1, Takayoshi Tsutsumi2, Shih-Nan Hsiao2, Makoto Sekine2, Kenji Ishikawa2, Masaru Hori2 (1.Nagoya Univ., Eng., 2.Center for Low-temperature Plasma Sciences, Nagoya Univ.)

[22a-A401-7]A pseudo-wet plasma etching for SiO2 films at low temperature

〇Shihnan Hsiao1, Makoto Sekine1, Yuki Iijima2, Ryutaro Suda2, Yoshinobu Ohya2, Yoshihide Kihara2, Takayoshi Tsutsumi2, Kenji Ishikawa2, Masaru Hori1 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.TEL Miyagi)

[22a-A401-8]Low temperature etching of SiO2, SiN and a-C using CF4/H2 plasma

〇(M1)Yusuke Imai1, Shih-Nan Hsiao2, Makoto Sekine2, Yuki Iijima3, Ryutaro Suda3, Yoshinobu Ohya3, Yoshihide Kihara3, Takayoshi Tsutsumi2, Kenji Ishikawa2, Masaru Hori2 (1.Nagoya U. Eng., 2.Center for Low-temperature Plasma Science, 3.Tokyo Electron Miyagi Ltd)

[22a-A401-9]Properties of Passivation Films and influences on Profile in the Bosch Process

〇Tomoyuki Nonaka1,2, Kazuo Takahashi1, Akimi Uchida2, Stefan Lundgaard2, Osamu Tsuji2 (1.Kyoto Inst. Tech., 2.Samco Inc.)

[22a-A401-10]Examination on Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Ultra-fast Etching of Photoresist by Reactive Atmospheric-pressure Thermal Plasma Jet

〇Kyohei Matsumoto1, Hiroaki Hanafusa1, Seiichiro Higashi1 (1.Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University)

[22a-A401-11]Development of polymer fine via etching technology for 3D chiplet integration

〇Fumito Ootake1, Yasuhiro Morikawa1, Yoichiro Kurita2 (1.ULVAC, 2.Tokyo Tech.)

[22a-A401-12]Desorbed Angle Distribution of Etching Products by Ion Beam injections

〇Tomoko Ito1, Kazuhiro Karahashi1, Satoshi Hamaguchi1 (1.Osaka Univ.)