Presentation Information
[22a-A602-9]Development of a laser inspection scheme for semiconductor chips (Ⅱ)Development of a laser inspection scheme for semiconductor chips (Ⅱ)<o:p></o:p>
〇Reo Terauchi1, Katsuhiro Mikami1, Tetsuya Matsuyama1, Kenichi Ikeda2, Yusuke Nakaminami2, Masanori Otake2 (1.Kindai Univ., 2.Opto Systems Co., LTD)
semiconductor,principal component analysis,laser doppler vibrometer
In recent years, quality control of semiconductor chips used for LiDAR and other devices in automated driving systems has become a necessity. However, one of the current quality control methods, visual inspection, has a problem that defective products with cleavage cracks slip through the inspection. In our previous report, we reported a method that combines laser-induced vibrational wave inspection using a laser Doppler vibrometer and principal component analysis (PCA) as an automated fracture inspection method for small semiconductor chips[1]. This study aims to discriminate between normal and broken chips for different sizes and materials based on PCA results.