Presentation Information

[22a-B201-6]Relationship between Transistor Parameters and Circuit Parameters in GaN HEMTs (Device Simulation Study)

〇(M2)Hisashi Nishijima1, Ken Kudara2, Yutaro Yamaguch2, Toshiyuki oishi1, Shitaro Shinjo2, Koji Yamanaka2 (1.Saga Univ., 2.Mitubishi Electric)


GaN HEMT,Trap,Two-terminal pair circuits

Accuracy of the trap model is an important issue for circuits using GaN HEMTs. It has been found that Fe traps in GaN layers have a varying peak frequency in the Y22 imaginary part. In this study, I examined the effect of the DC parameters of the simulation on the trap peak frequency. The results show that the peak frequency is correlated with the DC power. This suggests that the accuracy of the calculation of circuit characteristics can be improved by considering the trap time constant, which depends on DC power.