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[22a-B201-8]Relationship between Trap Positions in GaN HEMTs and Im(Y21)/Im(Y22) (Device Simulation)
〇Toshiyuki Oishi1, Shogo Morokuma1, Ken Kudara2, Yutaro Yamaguchi2, Shitaro Shinjo2, Koji Yamanaka2 (1.Saga Univ., 2.Mitsubishi Electric)
Relationships between Y22 and Y21 in low-frequency region are investigated by device simulation for GaN HEMTs with acceptor trap. In the case of traps located in GaN layer, sign of imaginary part (Im) of Y22 is reverse against Im(Y21). On the other hands, for traps in AlGaN layser, only peak of Im(Y21) is clearly appeared as compared with Im(Y22). These properties are used to make the trap position in GaN HEMTs.